Thursday, October 29, 2009

Norman McLaren: Pen Point Percussion

Synchromy - Norman McLaren

Spook Sport 1940 - Norman McLaren

Norman McLaren - Boogie Doodle

An animation film, made without the use of a camera, in which "boogie" played by Albert Ammons and "doodle" drawn by Norman McLaren combine to make a rhythmic, brightly colored film experiment.

Pas de Deux pt1_Norman Mclaren

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dennis Hopper

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Peter max paints America

peter max

WAYS OF SEEING (first episode) 1-4

WAYS OF SEEING (first episode) 1/4

WAYS OF SEEING (first episode) 2/4

WAYS OF SEEING (first episode) 3/4

WAYS OF SEEING (first episode) 4/4

Rob Forbes: Ways of seeing


the universe of king, kieth haring

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The power of time off